Alexandru Morcov
Expert Coordinator, Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova (CALM), Republic of Moldova
Master in cartography, land survey, cadaster and valuation. I have held various technical and administrative positions both in the private sector and in governmental structures related to spatial data infrastructure, urban planning and management (deputy general director of ALRC, adviser of government, etc.). Currently I hold the position of expert coordinator of the expert assistance and training centre of the Congress of Local Authorities of Moldova, advisor to the public administration committee and the environment and regional development committee of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, member of several governmental and international committees.
Supporting Local Administration on Use of Geospatial Information: Communications and Engagement
Cities in the Republic of Moldova, a country in the process of development, are expanding at a much greater rate than in developed countries with resulting major environmental and management problems. While these cities are the engines of economic development in our country, their infrastructure and quality of life is often deteriorating. Addressing these issues in cities of the developing world is one of the great challenges facing all societies in the next millennium. GIS and the underlying spatial data infrastructures and technologies being adopted in the cities of the developed world have the potential to help resolve many of these urgent issues and problems in the Republic of Moldova in the process of transit and development.